Wednesday, February 9, 2011


SO I decided to break this up into two posts. First up: Florence.

Last Friday night we flew into Pisa, Italy. Our flight got in late so we decided to stay there for the night, see the leaning tower, blah blah blah.

As soon as we landed, it hit. Shit. We know absolutely NO Italian. Like not even a little. Not even "Ciao". Obviously people realized this because two guys from the United States Air Force helped us. Wish we knew their names to thank them! But shoutout to the US Air Force none the less.

So we got to our hotel, which was super close to the leaning tower. Exciting! It was late and we were tired so we had some pizza....


And some chianti and called it a night. The next morning we checked out the tower and church next to it.. 

church and tower.. seriously is leaning a lot!!

church and tower.. I think the sky looks awesome here!

had to do it.

and then thats all there really is to do in Pisa so we hopped on some bus? that we guessed took us to the train station (we guessed right) and went to Florence!

Florence was.. AWESOME. I loved every second of being there. One of my best friends studied there so she gave me some great tips on things to do (shoutout to BEETA). We went into all of the churches.. because well.. were architecture students and that is our duty. There were A LOT. 

Santa Maria Nouvella..

Facade by Alberti 
no pictures allowed inside though.. LAME. because it was awesome.

San Lorenzo (My personal fave)

outside doesn't look like much but inside was STUNNING. trust.

Santa Croce.. where Michalangelo's, Dante's and Machiavelli's tombs are (among others) 

And of course, IL DUOMO.

ooooo prettyyyy

With Bruneleschi's Dome.. which we climbed all 463 steps to the top of. Yikes.

sooo high!!

But the views were worth it. SO gorgeous.

looking out over Florence

So that was awesome. We also saw the REAL David (the sculpture), ate AMAZING food, met some awesome people and had just the best time. Florence is amazing and if you ever get a chance to go, I HIGHLY recommend it. 

Some more shots.. because I took over 500 pictures. Normal.

Ponte Vecchio? All those are jewelry stores!!

love italy

from the uffuzi gallery 

courtyard at Santa Croce

dome .. love the color of the sky here! (even if the photo is kinda blurry) 

Well thats about all.. As always, more photos are on facebook, and seriously. I can't even begin to describe how amazing Florence was. Words can't do it justice!

Miss and love all of you! Greece photos to come soon (hopefully tonight.. we'll see!)


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